Happy <insert day>

The phone rang. An interested potential client, with an unusual query: "Can you do Fathers Day?"

Why, yes we can!

Now, we could have simply played the classic Happy Birthday song and swapped 'Birthday' for 'Fathers Day,' but there was just one problem. We are show people, and we smelled a show in the making.

The tune needed to be something everyone else could sing or pick up quickly, something familiar so everyone felt involved. Fortunately, my wife is a genius. She floated the idea of using Queen's "We Will Rock You" as a musical foundation for the item. Perfect. The song is cool, Dads love cool, and anyone with limbs can do the rhythm.

A lesson for other creatives out there: it may have been a mistake to base our main rhyme words on Freddy Mercury's 'face' and 'place' lyrics. This choice caused no small consternation during our practice sessions, since the last thing we wanted was to start a great original verse and then accidentally go full autopilot, bellowing "ya big disgrace" instead of "you could win any race." Fortunately, practice makes perfect.

It was an absolute hit. We had a great time and people loved it. An argument could be made that we're actually the Happy <insert day> People, though we've no intention of changing our name at this stage.

Still. If you're celebrating someone for a birthday or anything else, then give us a call. Like I said, we're show people. So watch this space.

(Total side note, this process also showed us perhaps it was time to get a proper tripod.)

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